There are lots of JOBS for 21 year old women, but what do you plan to do in five or ten years from now? Sorry, I had to ask.
There are lots of good jobs and lots of not so good jobs. It's the worst time of year to be thinking of such a move. Students and many others are flooding the job market.
To answer you question: Student areas can be somewhat inexpensive. Try the housing bulletin boards on college and university websites, craigslist etc. There are many, many jobs for personal assistants, homecare workers, nannies etc. where there is a live in option. Sometimes these types of jobs work out just fine. This might help you on a temporary basis. There are unadvertised jobs for servers and hostesses at restaurants and clubs. That's much more lucrative$$$ But, being hired while you're in Halifax is unlikely.
You can also find shared rides on sites like craigslist. Maybe if you have stuff you can store some of it it in Halifax and just bring absolute essentials.
I notice you say you are "thinking" about moving here. I know a lot of people here who would LOVE to live in Halifax. Why dont you first come for a visit and see if you like it? Maybe arrange a job and a place. If I were you, I'd apply for every student aid, scholarship or bursary and go back to school as soon as possible.
Jobs may be found thru the government website link below. Good luck!