The cost of living (renting) in Toronto varies depending on the part of the city that you're interested moving into. Renting for students (shared accomadation) is in the area of $500/mo + $100 for utilities. Single renting that is further away from downtown or subway is approximately $500/mo and 1100-2000/mo. + utilities in the downtown core. You can try Renthome and Viewit. Another excellent site to visit is Remax. It's straightforward and easy to navigate. Just choose to search for a residential property in Ontario and then choose which part of Toronto you're interested in. You're then provided with several options. All three sites are great sources for finding apartments.
One wouldn't have a difficult time finding working in Toronto. There is always jobs advertised in the local trade, bulletin boards and online. Two great web sites on which you can search for various jobs in Toronto are Monster and Workoplis'. They make it very easy to find work in various fields. I've provided you with the links below.
The subway in Toronto is $2.75 per use now (or $1.85 if you're a student.) You can also buy tokens if you are going to travel a lot, or purchase a metro pass (unlimited 1 month travel) for approximately $100. You can get more information on Toronto's transit system on their main web site (TTC)
Parking downtown or anywhere on the street is around $2.50 per hour, but parking in a lot downtown varies from $8 - $24 a day.
Movies are $6 at the inexpensive places, and $13.50 at the most exp. A cell phone - as low as $25 a month (but) you have the activation fee, 911 fee, + tax = $35 a month for basic.
Good luck with the move!